Tuesday 10 April 2012


When we left school at the end of last term I 'decided' that we would have a couple of weeks holiday & then set about the business of "Home Education".  Of course as all the experienced home-edders out there must know, it doesn't work like that.
As is often commented, children are like sponges: they want to know things - they actually love to experience and learn (they may not love school but that is entirely a different matter).  You can't confine that to within certain hours. 
So today, "on holiday", while DS1 was out with a friend, we had a lovely time with DS2 & 3 getting crafty & making birthday cards for their big brother for tomorrow (my first baby hits double figures - where did that decade go?) - and then we had an impromptu nature moment (the teacher in me wants to call it a lesson, but there were no plans, no attainment targets or evaluation sheets - yay!).  Anyway we planted some seeds that we have been collecting from the lovely free gifts inside recent multipacks of Innocent Smoothies http://www.innocentdrinks.co.uk/
...so now we have 2 trays of soil on the kitchen windowsill which will hopefully turn into violets, cress, basil, tomatoes and carrots (we haven't had any of the sunflower ones yet)... and hopefully further nature non-lessons :)

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